Docker images

Pradeep Gupta
2 min readJun 22, 2024


What really is an docker image?

In Docker, an image is a self-contained software package that includes everything needed to run an application:

  • Code: The application source code or binaries.
  • Runtime: The necessary environment to execute the code, typically a base operating system like Alpine Linux or Ubuntu.
  • Dependencies: Any libraries or other programs required by the application to function correctly.
  • Configuration: Configuration files or settings specific to the application.

Benefits of Docker Images:

  • Portability: Images can be easily shared and run consistently across different environments (Linux, Windows, macOS) with a Docker engine installed.
  • Reproducibility: Images guarantee a consistent environment, ensuring applications run the same way regardless of the underlying system.
  • Isolation: Each container runs in isolation from other containers and the host system, promoting security and preventing conflicts.
  • Versioning: Images can be tagged with versions, allowing you to manage different versions of your application within the same image registry.

How Docker Images Work:

  1. Building: You create a Dockerfile, a text file that defines the instructions for building the image. This typically involves specifying a base image, copying application code, installing dependencies, and setting configurations. You use the docker build command to build the image from the Dockerfile.
  2. Pushing and Pulling: Images can be pushed to a registry (like Docker Hub) to share them with others or pulled from a registry to use existing images.
  3. Running Containers: You use the docker run command to create a container from an image. The container is a running instance of the application defined in the image.

Where to Find Docker Images:

  • Docker Hub: The most popular public registry for Docker images, offering a vast library of pre-built images for various applications, operating systems, and development tools.
  • Private Registries: Organizations can set up private Docker registries to manage and share images within their own infrastructure.

Understanding the Importance of Docker Images:

Docker images are the foundation of containerized applications. By leveraging images, you can achieve consistent, portable, and isolated deployments, simplifying application development, testing, and deployment workflows.

Important commands related to Docker images:

docker images -all: List all images available on your Docker host.
docker pull <image_name>: Pull an image from a Docker registry (e.g., Docker Hub).
docker images ls -f <option>: Filter image listings by options (e.g., -f name=ubuntu to filter by name).
docker image inspect <image_id>: Inspect details of a specific image.
docker image rm <image_id>: Remove an unused image. (Be cautious, can’t be undone easily)

