Docker Containers

Pradeep Gupta
2 min readJun 22, 2024


Docker containers are the runnable instances created from Docker images. Here’s a breakdown of what they are and how they work:


Imagine a Docker image as a blueprint for a building. It contains all the necessary materials (code, libraries, dependencies) and instructions (configuration) to construct a functional application. A Docker container is the actual building built from that blueprint. It’s a self-contained unit with everything needed to run the application, including:

  • The application code or binaries.
  • A minimal operating system environment (usually based on Linux).
  • Required libraries and dependencies.
  • Specific configurations for the application.

Benefits of Docker Containers:

  • Portability: Containers can run consistently across different environments (Linux, Windows, macOS) with a Docker engine installed.
  • Isolation: Each container runs in isolation from other containers and the host system, promoting security and preventing conflicts.
  • Resource Efficiency: Containers share the host system’s kernel, making them lightweight and efficient in resource utilization compared to virtual machines.
  • Scalability: Containers can be easily scaled up or down to meet application demands.

How Docker Containers Work:

  1. Building the Image: You create a Dockerfile that defines the image’s contents and configuration.
  2. Running the Container: You use the docker run command to create a container from an existing image. This creates a running instance of the application defined in the image.
  3. Container Lifecycle: A container can be started, stopped, restarted, and removed. It can also be paused, which temporarily suspends all processes within the container.

Key Points About Containers:

  • Stateless: By default, containers are considered stateless. Any data generated by the application within the container is not persisted unless you specifically map volumes.
  • Ephemeral: Containers are often designed to be short-lived and disposable. They can be easily recreated from the image if needed.
  • Lightweight: Containers share the kernel with the host system, making them much lighter than virtual machines.

Understanding the Role of Containers:

Docker containers provide a way to package and deploy applications in a consistent and isolated manner. They simplify application development, testing, and deployment by offering a portable environment that can run anywhere with Docker installed.

Important Docker Containers:

docker container ls (or docker ps): List containers (running by default, use -a to show all).
docker container ls -f <option>: Filter container listings by various options (e.g., -f name=my-container to filter by name).
docker container inspect <container_id>: Inspect details of a specific container.
docker container top <container_id>: Show running processes inside a container.
docker container start <container_id>: Start a stopped container.
docker container stop <container_id>: Stop a running container.
docker container restart <container_id>: Restart a running container.
docker container rm <container_id>: Remove a stopped container.
docker container pause <container_id>: Pause a running container (temporarily stop all processes).
docker container unpause <container_id>: Unpause a paused container.

docker container logs <container_id>: View logs generated by a container.
docker container logs <container_id> -f: Follow logs in real-time for a running container.

